Customer Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it

Our teams are professional, discreet and efficient, providing a range of property and security services.

Here’s what some of our customers are saying about us.

“I can’t express my gratitude enough for the exceptional biohazard cleaning service provided by CHS. They handled a difficult situation with compassion, professionalism, and attention to detail. Their team was quick to respond, and they made sure our home was safe and sanitised. Thank you for going above and beyond to restore our peace of mind.” – Sarah W.


“After the fire, I was concerned about the lingering effects of smoke and soot. That’s when I turned to CHS for their fire damage cleaning service. Their team’s knowledge and experience were evident from the start. They worked diligently to remove traces of damage and restore a clean and comfortable living space. I am impressed by their commitment to excellence.” – Lisa W.


“I was in a tough spot after a biohazard incident, and Paul and the Team came to the rescue. Their team was not only efficient but also understanding of the sensitive nature of the situation. They took the time to explain their process, and I felt reassured that everything was being taken care of properly. I highly recommend their biohazard cleaning services to anyone in need.” – Michael D.


“I’m a busy professional, and maintaining a clean home was becoming a challenge. That’s when I decided to hire CHS for their cleaning services. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Their team consistently provides a thorough and detailed clean, allowing me to focus on other priorities. I appreciate their reliability, and I wholeheartedly recommend their services.” – Alex B.


“I reached out to Paul at CHS for biohazard cleaning, and I am incredibly impressed with their services. The team showed exceptional attention to detail and took the time to answer all my questions. They turned a distressing situation into a manageable process, and I am grateful for their expertise and commitment to safety.” – Mark T.


“Words cannot express my gratitude to Paul and the team who worked on the day for their exceptional hoarders cleaning service. They approached a challenging situation with utmost sensitivity and professionalism. The team worked tirelessly to transform my living space, and the results were beyond my expectations. I am incredibly thankful for their understanding and dedication throughout the process.” – Jessica H.


“I want to extend my sincere appreciation to CHS for their biohazard cleaning services. They arrived promptly, assessed the situation, and executed a thorough cleanup that exceeded my expectations. Their dedication to ensuring a safe and sanitised environment was evident throughout the entire process. I can’t thank them enough for their professionalism and efficiency.” – Emily S.

At CHS, we are honoured to have served these satisfied customers and many more. Our commitment to providing compassionate and effective biohazard cleaning services remains unwavering.

If you’re in need of reliable and professional cleaning, don’t hesitate to contact us at


We’re here to assist you during challenging times and restore safety and peace to your environment.